End of support for Wolfram data types


Excel has discontinued support for Wolfram data types.


Wolfram data types were introduced into Excel in 2020, expanding the available data types to include those from the Wolfram Alpha service.

Over 100 integrated data types were available for linking, including featured examples for Food Data, Space and Astronomy Data, City Data and many more.

What is happening

As of June 2023, these Wolfram data types are no longer available to create or refresh in Excel. However, you can still use existing data files (they just won’t refresh automatically).

Other data types are not affected, and it seems like Excel’s ability to store and manipulate structured data is continuing to grow.

What you should do

If you have linked data that is based on Wolfram data types, review your needs for updating it automatically in future and decide if you need to change the data type or link it to some other service.

If you don’t have any links to Wolfram data types or if this does not sound familiar, then you are probably fine!